Explore our early learning courses for preschoolers

Language Skills


Learn capital and small alphabets along with letter sounds and fun examples.

A, an, the

Learn all about definite(The) and indefinite(a,an) articles.

This-That, These-Those

Learn the usage of this, that, these and those to point to people and things.


Learn to use position words to describe postion of words.


Letter Sounds

First step to reading begin with learning the letter sounds.

Word Family/CVC

CVC(consonant vowel consonant) are an important tool when teaching phonics to young kids.

Sight Words

High frequency sight words are commonly used words that children are encouraged to memorize as a whole by sight.

Consonant Blends

A combination of consonants that are placed together without being separated by a vowel.


A digraph is a two-letter combination that represents a single sound (phoneme).


These are sounds made by combining two vowels, where it starts as one vowel sound and glides to the second vowel.

Numeracy Skills


Learn 1-20 numbers along with number names and examples.

Pre Number skills

Learn the prenumber concepts of tall-short, big-small, less-more and many more.


Learn to identify different shapes like triangle, circle, square and many more.



Introduction to Hindi Swar(स्वर) and Vyanjan(व्यंजन) for kindergarten.


Introduction to kannada ಸ್ವರ svara (vowels), ವ್ಯಂಜನ vyañjana (consonants).


Language worksheets

Learn 1-20 numbers along with number names and examples.

Number worksheets

Enjoy and learn using numeracy skills worksheets.